Developing the Data Deduplication Software

Solution Sneak Peek
Created Machine Learning Deduping Algorithms
Thanks to the development work provided by Softwarium, the client was able to obtain a competitive advantage by being the only Salesforce deduping app that leverages machine learning.
Integration With Salesforce
Softwarium integrated the client’s application with Salesforce which does not require any downloads, configuration or any other work to set up.
Allowed the Client to Become Fully Competitive on the AppExchange
Since the client is a startup company, they needed to develop all of the features offered by other competitors as well as develop their own unique ones. Softwarium developed these features within a short time period.
Long History of Success
Softwarium has been working with the current company co- founders for more than a decade. This includes developing other products for them such as MetaVis and many others.
About the Client
The client created a data deduplication app on the Salesforce AppExchange that helps companies dedupe their Salesforce environment. What separates it from other dedupe applications is that it is powered by machine learning which removes the hassle of creating complex rules.

Business Problem
Since the client is a startup company, they needed to assemble a team to integrate their deduplication software with Salesforce and develop deduplication rules. What made this project extra challenging was that the client is the only Salesforce duplicate management tool that uses machine learning instead of the standard rule-based approach. Let’s take a look at how Softwarium was able to help the client create a Salesforce deduping application that is now able to compete with the more established products.
Solutions Provided by Softwarium
Softwarium assembled a team for the client that consisted of one frontend developer, one backend developer, and a QA engineer. Together they worked in close collaboration with the company co-founders to integrate their Node.js application with Salesforce. They also developed complex deduping algorithms that leveraged machine learning. Thanks to their collective efforts, the client was able to become fully competitive with big market players in a matter of just a couple of years.
The client was very impressed by the technological skills and expertise of Softwarium’s developers. They were always eager to help, work overtime, if needed, and came to the table with new ideas of how to improve the product.

Providing the Necessary QA
Since the client is a dynamically growing company, they are rolling out new features with every release. These include new merge rules for data deduplication, additional functionality for data cleansing and verification, and many tweaks to the user interface. All of these features were tested by Softwarium’s QA engineers before releasing the updates to the clients.