iOS App Development
for Healthcare Project

Solution Sneak Peek
End-to-End Solutions
Created an iPad app from scratch. All we had was the client’s idea and we had to make it a reality.
Compatibility with the latest developments in MedTech
Support for external products and additional functionalities was added on the go.
Creation of a New Product on the Market
Developed a first-of-its-kind solution to help doctors work with paperwork.
Streamlined patient record handling and management
Extended support filling out and commenting on PDFs.
Amaji was the brainchild of a visionary physician, looking to revolutionize in-home patient treatment. The problem that Amaji was trying to solve was to help hospitals reduce unplanned readmissions. Hospitals needed to show Medicare and other government institutions that they are taking measures to address unplanned readmissions or they would be fined.
He envisioned a product that would allow doctors to visit their patients at home while still being able to tend to them properly and fill out the necessary paperwork. This would allow the hospitals to determine the causes of readmissions and make the necessary adjustments in the length of stay. At the time, there was no such product available on the market; therefore he turned to Softwarium in order to make his vision a reality.
Whenever doctors visit patients at home, they still need to fill out all kinds of charts, records, forms and other paperwork which must also be available for hospital staff to see as well. Therefore everything must be filled out and filed electronically using a tablet because it offers a large screen to work with. However, there still needs to be some way to synchronize all of the information collected from the tablet, in this case the iPad, with the hospital database.
Softwarium had to create an iPad app from scratch, taking into account all of the client's requirements and necessary functionalities.

Getting Started
First of all we needed to identify the core functionalities. These included:
- Extended capabilities when working with PDFs – The doctor needed to have the ability to both written and audio comments in the PDF itself.
- Easy and expedient usage – The doctor simply checks the boxes with his finger to fill out the form in a timely manner.
- Synchronization with hospital servers – hospital staff would log into Amaji and transfer the obtained information into the patient's health record. The doctor's comments would also be seen.
- Audio support – If the doctor had an extended meeting with the patient, he might decide that it would be easier to record the conversation to avoid losing any information. This audio recording was made available as an attachment.
- Data encryption – Patient health records must be protected in accordance with HIPPA regulations.
Designing the User Interface
Creating the UI was challenging because all of the necessary forms, patient information, checkboxes and other fields that must be arranged in a way that would be readily accessible. The doctor only has a limited time window to spend with the patient and he cannot waste time searching for information.
We created the UI with CSS that organizes all of the health forms in one place and includes a search function if the doctor cannot find what they are looking for right away. In addition to having all of the necessary materials, Softwarium worked with Amaji to create the right UI flow by having doctors use the app provide feedback on how to improve the user experience.
Testing Out the Product
The Amaji app was tested out by practicing physicians and they found it very easy to use. It simplified a lot of problems they were facing managing patient and hospital documentation. The client traveled to a wide variety of medical conferences and brought back new ideas on how to improve the app. This included integration and compatibility with recently unveiled products and recommendations from professionals in the industry. All of these changes and recommendations were implemented by Softwarium on the fly.
Overall, both Amaji and the doctors who tested the product found it very useful and would be willing to incorporate it in their daily operations. The final product included all of the features and functionalities laid out in the beginning. Amaji showcased the product to numerous potential buyers at conferences around the world to a wide critical acclaim.
iOS App Development for Healthcare Project
Bringing simplicity into the work of hospitals, this iOS app development case study stands alone among others thanks to its uniqueness in the healthcare.