Customized SharePoint
in Life Science

Solution Sneak Peek
Streamline Communication
Our implementation of SharePoint helped the client establish the free flow of information.
Remain Compliant With Regulations
There are many regulations imposed on companies in the life sciences industry and we helped them remain compliant with all of them.
SharePoint Customization
Since the out-of-the-box features did not properly fulfill the client’s needs, we added the needed dashboards and fields to help them with their workflows.
Eliminate Manual Processes
By implementing permission inheritance rules, we eliminated the manual processes associated with granting access to sub-sites and its contents.
About the Client
The client is a world leader in using data to advance the state of healthcare. They are a Fortune 500 company that works together with the people they serve to enable a more modern, more effective, and more efficient healthcare system.
Business Problem
The client actively conducts research in the life sciences, particularly in biotechnology and biochemistry, but since the client has more than 10,000 employees, they were having a difficult time maintaining the free flow of information between stakeholders. This included things like project documentation, regulatory and compliance certifications as well as day-to-day communication. What makes this issue even more challenging is that they cannot use any database or management system due to regulatory restrictions. This is why they decided to choose Sharepoint since it is very secure to protect all of the patients’ information and project results.
The client approached Softwarium to help them create a technological solution to meet their daily needs.

Solutions Provided By Softwarium
The client wanted to have Sharepoint setup on-premise and acquired for servers to host Sharepoint. We got those servers up and running and completely branded the interface. Since the out-of-the-box requirements did not completely fulfill the client’s needs, we added new dashboards and fields to meet their individual workflows. In order to ensure robust security, we also added granular access permissions which allowed the administrators to restrict access to various sections, pages, and even documents.
Even though the permission settings are very detailed, we simplified granting access by implementing permission inheritance. What this means is that if an employee has access to a SharePoint site, they will automatically inherit permissions to access the subsites. This avoids having to manually adjust the permissions for each subsite. Also, when a new employee joins the team, they will simply be able to plug their profile into the system in place of the leaving employee, which also saves a lot of time.

As a result of SharePoint implementation and customization, the client was able to achieve greater organization and productivity. All of the manual tasks that we helped eliminate accumulated into significant time savings and allows team members to focus on their core business function. We also helped the client remain compliant with regulations since the SharePoint intranet can be used to secure external communication as well.